i fear people will not see in me a deep ocean,
but instead a shallow stream.
a stream that runs too fast
with slippery rocks underneath,
or one that drifts slowly
with cutting stones at the bottom.
i fear people will not see in me a brilliant flame,
but instead a heap of ashes.
ashes that are taken
by the wind's every direction,
or a heap that is looked down
at with sorrow and disgrace.
i fear people will not see in me a grown woman,
but instead a foolish girl.
a girl who is all too common
with no wisdom to speak,
or one who is unstable
and trusts only what she can see.
i fear these things and they long to claim my life,
but i also fear a God who loves me.
a God whose love shines through the depths of my heart.
a God who brings my shallow sin into the light.
a God whose love ignites the ruins of my spirit.
a God who does not burn out or drift away.
a God whose love gives wisdom and restores my trust.
a God who has saved me from my fears.
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