Monday, January 2, 2012


You know my night's desires just as you know my daylight dreams. You've seen my passions raging forth into scenes of cages and empty things. I press the depths of holy and hollow; I long for more from both. But never giving me to either side, I've walked on, seeing and knowing nothing past my own two eyes. Still feeling everything, as always, as everything moved on around me. Oh, to trust—what a gift from God! Oh, to lust—such a forfeit of love. Yet the dark seems safe, and I would choose it on my own, but hope holds back my wandering heart. Hope keeps calling me to you. And I remember my soul is not my own. I remember it's no longer my weight to bear. So I take up the life you've brought to me. I take heart in things not in this world. I take courage in the truth. And I take you at your word.

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