Saturday, May 3, 2008

hi my name is jessie. so what?

i write without thinking, and think without speaking.
i am human, it is true; imperfect and a fool.
i have a pulse. and my heart beats pretty regularly.
i am a student, but let's just say solving quadratic equations
isn't my cup of tea.
yes... tea.

i like to stare.
i like to dance and wear socks.
i'm not a hopeless romantic, 
so don't buy me roses
and expect me to fall in love with you.

please & thank you.

i trip over myself often and love to be the center of attention.
yes... really.

i'm not good with names unless they are middle names.
i love middle names.
i love eating ice cream with little spoons
(it makes it last longer).

i think i believe i know what i'm talking about
when i tell people why i am the way i am.
that is, if i ever explained myself to people.
which i don't.

i feel i am getting off track 
and do not wish to bore you any longer with information about myself, which you will probably forget in about 23.56 minutes (approximately).

i would say goodbye, but quite frankly, i hate goodbyes.
especially when i don't even know who i'm saying goodbye to. 

so i will say hello instead.

hi my name is jessie and now you know
just how random i really am.

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