Sunday, May 18, 2008

pretty sure

what is love anyway? and what is life? who are you and who am i? the way you sigh makes me wonder if we're really living or if we're merely alive. given that i will always be a child, i can't tell if i've grown or not; i think i have though. yeah, i'm pretty sure i have.

what is gravity anyway? and what is time? who were you and who was i? the way you cry makes me question whether or not we tried hard enough and if we're really fine. given that i will never be a child, i can't tell if i've learned anything of value or not; i think i have though. yeah, i'm pretty sure i have.

what is freedom anyway? and what is truth? i am me, but who are you? the way we move about restlessly makes me feel as though we are waiting for something already in our hands or searching for something found long ago. given that we will never understand everything, i can't tell you if we will be okay or not; i think we'll be okay though. yeah, i'm pretty sure we will be.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! i've never read anything like this before! this is absolutely amazing. wow... pretty much my favorite thing to read EVER!!!

StacyAloha said...

Jessie, this is beautiful. I cried. :)